How To Ensure A Life-Changing Injury Doesn’t Impact Your Career

You never think that it will happen to you. Car accidents with life-changing consequences don’t happen to you; they only happen to other people. Workplace accidents that end with a broken spine and paralysis don’t just happen to other people; the fact is that they can happen to anyone. It might not be something that you want to think about, but the fact is that anything could happen to anyone at any time. You never expect that anything bad is going to happen to you, but the reality is that it could do.

Should you suffer a life-changing injury, it can have a huge impact on every area of your life, from your home and relationships to your career. Often, after a life-changing injury, there’s a lot to adjust to, but one of the most challenging areas is often adjusting to working with the injury that you have. The problem is that often, a life-changing injury can have a huge impact on your work, either making the job that you currently do much more complicated or impossible even.

The fact is that if you let it, a serious injury can have a seriously detrimental impact on your career in a range of ways. However, the good news is that just because you’ve suffered a serious injury, that doesn’t have to mean that your career is over, or that you can’t have the career that you otherwise would have had. The fact is that there are steps that you can take to ensure that your injury doesn’t impact your career.

Wondering what these steps are and why they’re worth taking? To learn more about how you can guarantee that your injury doesn’t define your career, read on.

Adapt to Your New Life

After suffering from a life-changing injury, everything is different, even if it’s not. You might still live in the same house, have the same job, and be married to the same person, but the fact is that everything is different. Your whole world has been turned upside down, shaken around, and put back down again. For you, things will never be the same again.

Getting used to the idea that your life will never go back to exactly how it was before can be terribly difficult to do. You may even find that you spend time grieving your old life like you would a death. This is perfectly normal, and the chances are that in addition to having your grief to deal with, you are most probably also in shock.

Don’t rush yourself to get back to normality, give yourself as much time as you need. There’s no rush; you’ll get there when you get there. Spend some time adapting to your new life. If you need to seek emotional support from a counsellor, do so – a lot of people find that this can help them. You can’t go back to work until you’ve got your mind in order, which is why taking time to adjust to your new situation and get to grips with it is important.

Get the Financial Help That You Deserve

If you’ve been seriously injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, such as due to a workplace injury caused by a lack of proper safety precautions being taken or as a result of a drunk driver, then you should get the compensation you deserve. Your whole life has changed as a result of someone else, so it makes sense to gain financial compensation.

The fact is that as a result of your injury you may have to pay for costs that you wouldn’t have had to cover before, or you might have no choice but to leave the roll that you currently have to find a job if you are no longer able to manage the roll that you previously had. If you’ve been left disabled as a result of someone else’s actions, you deserve compensation. To learn more about the process of making a claim, visit and have a read of the useful information and advice on offer. You shouldn’t have to suffer financially because of someone else’s actions, should you?

By getting compensation, you can give yourself a better chance of long-term career success. You can afford to work in a way that is an ideal fit for you. If that means taking a pay cut or reducing your hours, then so be it. If you’ve got the financial support that you need, then you can do whatever you need to for your career.

Consider Your Career Options

The next step is to consider your career options. You may be able to remain in the role that you were in before the accident, or you may no longer be able to. You need to take the time to consider what the best option is for you – should you remain in your current role or you should you look for something new?

If you’re able to manage the same roll that you held before, then you could stick to it. If it’s not really manageable for you now, then perhaps you could discuss adapting it with your employer? This could mean doing fewer hours, working remotely from home on a part or full-time basis, or it could mean finding a new role within the company. If you’re consider working remotely, sites like can offer a great insight into what’s involved. There are various options available to you; it’s just a case of finding the one that’s the best fit for you and your needs.

Another option could be to consider leaving your current role and starting your own, home-based business. If you aren’t able to keep up with the demands of your old job or you don’t want to waste your time working for someone else, then starting your own virtual business could be the answer. If you’ve always wanted to launch a business of your own, then you may find that doing so could be an amazing journey.

The fact is that while a life-changing injury may well change many areas of your life, it doesn’t have to negatively impact your career. Things may have changed for you, but that doesn’t have to mean that you’re unable to climb the career ladder like you always wanted to, it may just be a case of doing so in a different way.


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    April 20, 2018

    It’s nice to see you covering this often-taboo subject Daniela, well done. My life was turned upside down after a road accident and took me out of work for some time. It’s not something any of us want to think about, but it’s nice to see you emphasize that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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      Daniela Bucatele

      April 21, 2018

      Thank you Saul and I’m glad this article agrees with you. You’re right, it could happen to any of us at any time, but we do need to know about possible options both during and after recovery. I hope you are getting back on track.

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    April 23, 2018

    An inspiring article showing us there are possibilities Daniela. Thank you.

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    April 23, 2018

    This is a good piece Daniela, well done on turning a problematic subject into an inspiring one.

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    April 23, 2018

    Good work Daniela.

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    Daniela Bucatele

    April 24, 2018

    Thank you all for the positive feedback. I might look at extending this subject in the future.


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